Tobias Löfstrand                                                         

Tobias was born in Sweden and moved to Arizona in 2000. Over the last few years, he has been spending more time in Sweden launching a linseed/flax and barley business. He is also offering consulting assisting Swedish companies with their presence in North America.

With a background in Computer Science, Finance, and Economics, combined with Real Estate Business and a degree from Law School, Tobias has stayed busy with various ventures and adventures over the years. In the US works with tax advice and tax return services together with many small business owners and individuals in Northern Arizona. Many of his 400+ clients are Native Americans, members of the Navajo and Hopi tribes.

Before moving to the US, Tobias managed IT/IS projects in Sweden. He was instrumental in the creation of administrative systems for regional governments throughout Sweden.

When in Sweden he operates his businesses out of a family farm originally owned and operated by his grandfather. Tobias and his wife Darby have initiated renovation projects of the main house in preparation for living in Sweden the majority of the time. 

Tobias is always interested in contributing to the regions in which he spends his time. His interest in emerging technologies and economic development has given him several opportunities to work with companies in many industries. With seven years of higher education from different colleges and universities in Sweden, Tobias also has a strong interest in research and the transfer of academic excellence to businesses.

Since 2010, Tobias has been volunteering his time with the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in Arizona. In various roles as President and Chairman, he has built a substantial network throughout the US and Sweden.

From the fall of 2020, Tobias is volunteering on behalf of GPEC, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council. In this role, he is once again a “go to person” for any connections and introductions in Arizona on behalf of companies in the Nordic region. 

You can reach Tobias by e-mail           

Phone +1 928 607 5555 when in the US,

or when in Sweden +46 (0)73 918 51 29